Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Any fool can.

Today was the first rehearsal of the year for my new Community Band. It's great to be playing again. Although I really was not playing well. Firstly I kept having notes not sound, which is just odd. I attribute it to being way out of shape. And secondly I'm reading way too many ledger lines in thirds. Non-ideal.

Unfortunately the group really really sucks. The worst is probably the conductor. I have no idea how she ended up directing this group. Possibly something to do with living in the area forever and having no other respectable jobs. Their music choices are incredibly lame. It's bad seriously bad. Quite a bit of the stuff I played in high school. And really my high school band was not good at all. And judging by what I saw today it looks like the band may not buy new music. Ouch. Lastly the players are mostly bad. There are a few mediocre ones, but they are easily drowned out by the bad ones. And seriously there ought to be someone in some section that I'd be impressed by. But no (oh well maybe the bassoons stand a chance actually). Most dreadfully for me is the fact that all of the first flute players are bad. Again I exaggerate I think two of them may have the potential to be decent. But none have impressed me at all.

And it just makes me sad because I know nothing will ever improve. And within my own section there is little to no chance that I'll ever move from my last stand position except for the possibility of other players leaving (or more likely dying).

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do."