Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Each of us knows all.

I just got back from seeing the movie Angels and Demons. It was a good movie, but rather than talk about the movie I was more amused with my relationship with the story.

At some point between approximately 2003 and now I read the book. In thinking on it I believe that my father may have gotten the book from the library and with it being around the house I then decided to read it. However that particular instance could also have been the book The Da Vinici Code and then because I liked the Code so much I went and got Angels and Demons on my own. I'm not sure. But I do definitely recall that my father had read the book and so he knew how it ended and I did not.

So in theory the movie could be good, but I knew how it ended. Except that my mind is at times rather equivalent to a sieve. I went in knowing that while I remembered a few things, for the most part I didn't remember what happened.

In the theater the credits started rolling and I turned and said to TRM (who has also read the book of course), "well that stuck to the book rather well". Her responce "kinda, except for the missing big plot lines at the end." "Oh really?"

It was pretty awesome how I really don't remember. And it amuses me. And it most likely pointless to everyone else.

Ah well your loss.

"Each of us is a god. Each of us knows all. We need only to open our minds to hear our own wisdom."