Sunday, March 29, 2009

Learned ones make efforts.

I had an idea yesterday. Or maybe today. I'm not sure. Concert days blend together.

So I seem to be paying off student loan #1 quite quickly. Right now I think I'll be done with it by July. Possibly sooner if I keep throwing dollars at it randomly. Then I was trying to figure out what I would do with my extra dollars once the loan was done.

I considered many things: pay off more student loans, plump the emergency fund, add to the vacation fund, take more lessons, invest, save for a house.

My current idea is that I can save for a house. But I can just keep it in either a CD or plain old in a savings account. Then if bad things happened and I needed to use my emergency fund I could raid it and it wouldn't do any harm.


"During emergencies learned ones make efforts using their intelligence."