Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Paper cutting me.

So I've been wanting to get more into my Scherenschnitte recently. The idea is maybe if I get my butt in gear I could actually sell some of my work. So then I was looking up good paper because I don't care much for most of what I have. And so while I was randomly searching around I changed upon this amazing tip:

-To make patterns for cutting take any image. Change it to black and white. And then increase the contrast-

At first I was sceptical. I tried it out on a bunch of different pictures and it never came out so nice as I wanted. But then I probably just got used to seeing the reliefs and things started looking better. So I took a picture that I have followed those steps using GimpShop, which btw I love (mostly because it's free). And then proceeded to doctor it a bit for my purposes.

This evening I printed it out and went at it. Here is the result: