Thursday, April 3, 2008

Unexpected windfall.

Yesterday as I was getting ready to leave the office a woman came in carrying a giant, fancily wrapped, tray of cookies. She asked for the Executive Director, but he was back in his office on the phone. So she left the tray with me saying she was with our new building management and if we ever needed anything to let her know. Yay cookies.

This was particularly exciting because the past few weeks have been hell and then this current week is hell brought to new levels because the concerts this weekend are nearly sold out and the phones don't stop ringing all day (PS: if you ever are trying to get tickets to a show and you talk to someone and they tell you 'well we only have seats remaining in x, y, and z' there is no need to ask them about seats in a, b, and c. Really we aren't lying to you, we will find you the best that we can. Take it quickly before I get annoyed with you and decide to seat you next to the wall.) But really that all is neither here nor there. Suffice it to say I could definitely have used some cookies.

Then like 3 other staff members for random reasons were up at my desk and we were marveling at the cookies. And then someone had the bright idea that we should put the cookies in the refrigerator to save them for the special donor reception on Friday evening. Such plan was agreed upon.

And this, my dears, is one of the reasons why working at a non-profit stinks.
