So after having written the first post I figured that the second post should be good too.
But then I couldn’t settle on any topic to write on. Nuts. So now you are just going to get a whatever’s on my mind now type deal.
First, how do I get people to read this thing? In one way it’s odd to have people reading things I write. But realistically speaking the only reason to write this is to have other people read it. So far I told little one about it. I kind of doubt she’s read my post yet.
Ok so I just took an extended break from writing. You see I am at work so really when I do these kind of things during work it’s a stop and go. But this was a very long stop. Someone gave a significant donation (actually I think it was a they died and left us a bunch situation) and so it was determined that some of that money would go to update our computers. I was actually lucky enough that the ridiculous old computer at my desk was replaced in like September because it is the hub of the box office and so quite important. But only the computer was replaced. So the monitor was dreadful. It actually had a LOTR logo burnt into the lower right corner. Which amused me given my own affinity for all things LOTR, but it was actually from the person like 2 people before me. And the thing was a giant flickering monolith that I always felt like I was sitting nearly on top of. Today the new monitors came in.
Now I have an Acer 22” widescreen LCD. It is so incredibly gorgeous. I think I might be in love. I like to look at it and just drool. So pretty.
I was going to say other things. But I can’t remember them anymore.
I’ll just continue to stare at the monitor. Yea I’m a geek. I’m ok with it.
So today is actually my last day of work before the holiday. We get Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off already. And I decided to actually use some of my comp time and extend the vacation to nearly a week. It will be phenomenal.
I’m not very good at not working. Even when I was interning I barely took any days off. So in all reality I don’t know that I’ve had this long of a vacation from anything since last March when I did the spring break awesomeness. Yup, I just looked at my calendar. I’ve had like 2 four day weekends and a few 3 day weekends. But that’s it.
It’s entirely possible that unless I manage to somehow mellow out or find someone capable of forcing me into it that I might work myself to death. Crazy.
And it’s not like I even have much work to be doing these days. I just never give myself much of a real break.
Actually the whole not having much to do has been driving me completely mad lately. I’m quite good at doing a million things all the time. I was very good at school. High School and College. Last year at school being in all the ensembles plus random other things…it was just perfect. So now that I’m graduated and in the ‘real world’ it’s a completely change.
All I have to do everyday is go into the same old boring job. Then I come home and do heaven only knows what. Mostly just read or knit or some other craft and watch way too much TV.
So this issue is actually one of primary reasons for bloging. I need to make goals and find what to do with myself so that I don’t go crazy. And this will be like a way to track it and hopefully keep going with things.
For starters I’m going to make myself a nice good list of New Years Resolutions. I don’t know that I’ve ever really made, let alone kept, New Years resolutions before. It just wasn’t something I did. But this year I think it’ll be very good.
*sidenote: ok so one of the craziest board members just walked in. He’s a younger middle aged successful business professional. But the ridiculous part is that he is always so happy. He literally came in and walked over to give me a high-five. Weird, but so amusing. Maybe I ought to blog about crazy board members sometime. We’ve enough of them here. End sidenote*
Wow I’ve gotten off topic. O well, welcome to my world really.
I was saying that this is my last day before vacation. WOOHOO.
Although when I was home over Thanksgiving I actually got ridiculously bored and started going like really depressed. It was bad. Life has really taken an upswing since then though. I think things should be fine. Plus I have a somewhat monumental task of cleaning out my room. So hopefully everything will be a good break. And I <3>
This is difficult. I always want to say so many things. And all the ideas come at the same time. Plus I’m just horrible at expressing myself really.
*Spends the last hour of work staring at the pretty monitor*
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