Actually I’m a day late. And realistically Gedächtnestag was celebrated back on Sunday so I’m even more late. But I am writing today….so deal with it.
Now if you are a normal person you are probably sitting there confused. You could most likely care less what day Gedächtnestag is and are wondering more about how the heck one pronounces it, or more importantly what the heck it is….good question.
Let me start this story by informing you that I am a Schwenkfelder. And I’m proud of it.
What is a Schwenkfelder you may ask? Well a Schwenkfelder is a follower of the religious teachings of Caspar Schwenkfeld von Ossig. He lived way back in the 1500’s and one of his contemporaries was Martin Luther (whom hopefully you’ve heard of and know something about him and his 95 Theses and all). Schwenkfeld lived within the Holy Roman Empire in a place called Silesia (which is now round abouts where Poland is located) and he not only questioned Catholic practices, but also formed his own ideas that were outside of the Lutheran realm as well. His big teachings were thinking for ones self and coming to your own conclusions as well as following a “Middle Way.”
However inevitably Silesia (and most of the populated European world) were not so keen on the individual ideas thing and Schwenkfeld was labeled a heretic – ouch. He though did manage to gather a following, they called themselves Confessors of the Glory of Christ, luckly for me the name didn’t stick and these people would eventually become known just as Schwenkfelders. Those people continued to follow Schwenkfeld’s teachings despite a harsh political environment. Back then religion and politics were pretty much one in the same. And at that time in history the Holy Roman Empire, while ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor, was more like a bunch of smaller fiefdoms. And so an agreement had been made between the Emperor and all of the provincial rulers that each ruler could choose for himself if his lands would be Catholic or Lutheran. Unfourtionately Schwenkfelder was not an option, and so the valiant Confessors were persecuted.
By the early 1700’s it was getting pretty bad and the Schwenkfelder’s were seriously considering escaping their native lands to find religious freedom. After a temporary respite while staying on the lands of Count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendof, a pretty awesome and unbelievably liberal guy for the day, in Saxony their freedom was again in question and their thoughts turned to moving to the new world. Specifically they picked Pennsylvania where there people spoke of religious freedom, plus there was already a good contingent of German folk.
There were a few different migration groups however the largest set sail in 1734 and arrived in Philadelphia on September 22. Two days later on September 24th the Schwenkfelders held a day of Thanksgiving for having made the grueling journey to begin their new lives in the new world.
Each year, from then on, Schwenkfelders gather together on the Sunday closest to September 24 and together celebrate Gedächtnestag, or as we also call it Day of Remembrance. It is the oldest continually celebrated day of thanksgiving in the US (our claim to fame!).
On that day we take the opportunity to reflect upon our past. There is a traditional meal of bread, apple butter, and water. When I was younger I understood that we did that because when those pilgrims first landed that simple meal of fresh food was a feast. I now know that this is most likely not at all true, and I’m not sure if it’s a common misconception by everyone, or a child’s error. But it’s the tradition and we love us some apple butter. Some people even call it Apple Butter day.
Most importantly however is that we are remembering. The part that I love most about being a Schwenkfelder is our rich and vibrant history. What can I say, it makes me feel special. I love telling the story or even just teaching other people to pronounce the name.
I haven’t regularly attended church for over 4 years now having moved away most of the first 3 years for school and now having moved away for my job. And of all the reasons why I miss home being a practicing Schwenkfelder is probably what gets me the most.
But I still remember. And I figure that so long as I remember I’ll always be a Schwenkfelder at heart.
Happy Gedächtnestag!
Clause: The historical parts of this entry may not be 100% accurate as I was mostly just telling it from my own memory.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Gedächtnestag
Posted by Carlin at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Adagio For Strings
Please hit play:
Last Thursday, the same day that we remembered the tragic events of seven years ago, a new loss entered my life.
At approximately 3 o'clock we learned that our co-worker, William Schmieding, had passed away.
Posted by Carlin at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Poor Man's Tax
Today one of my co-workers came up and asked if I wanted to participate in the 'office pool' that would be going to try and win the PowerBall Lottery. But she precursed it by saying "I don't think if you'll be interested because you're thrifty." Actually I don't think the word was thrifty but I can't recall the specific term used. My tight-fisted attitude precedes me.
Each person could contribute as much as they liked. And then "when" they won (she was thinking positively) the prize would be split as a percentage of what they had contributed. I guess that the Powerball prize was up high enough that it must have come up as a topic of conversation yesterday.
In accordance with my long standing principles, I did not participate. I was the only person in the office (there's a whole 8 of us) who did not participate.
Posted by Carlin at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Finances
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Green eyed monster.
8/31/08, 6:04 PM
I am envious of anyone else who is in a relationship. My cousins boyfriend came here today. Somehow they've been together for 4 years or something, at least. We've never actually met him before, aside from my aunt, her mother, and Grandma. But even just from what I'd heard I wasn't impressed. He's definitely not the brightest tool in the shed. Didn't go to college, maybe for financial reasons but then just doesn't seem the type. Reminds me more of the rather stereo-typed red-neck ideas.
God I am such a snob in my thinking.
Posted by Carlin at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Be here now.
8/31/08 5:37 PM
This afternoon I pulled on a long sleeved shirt, dug out my hat, searched out an appropriate blanket and spread it out on the lawn so I could bask in the sun. 100% of my skin covered of course. Go figure. But it was, with a breeze, too cool to sit out in the shade, and the out doors is so much better than holing up inside, dispute the burn issues.
But stretched out there enjoying the opportunity to be lazy and carefree in between my reading my mind drifted off. I started thinking on formulation my own perfect little scene. One of many no doubt.
It consisted of myself and my significant other, a handsome and dashing example of masculine beauty no doubt. And in the picture we are both just laying there. Not necessarily actively together, or maybe one head resting on the others lap. But together there we are each reading.
Each in our own space, our own little worlds, drawn up through the words on the pages. And yet so completely together in the quiet comfort and easy gentleness of the scene.
Do you think such a thing could ever be possible? I don't know. To be so still in this world where it feels like when we are together we must be moving. Plus I'm finding more and more my love of reading is somewhat an anomaly.
Maybe someday.
Posted by Carlin at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The rest is silence.
8/31/08, 5:30 PM
People have lake houses as places to escape away and enjoy the peace and quiet, right? Well then why is it that a tiny lake is surrounded by a multitude of houses that are barely a few hundred feet apart form each other. Any ones noise will travel around and across to intrude upon everyone else. The children being children, teens being obnoxious, someone vacuuming, and the rather odd desire to drive ones motor boat around in the tiny little loop, constricted by the size of the lake, dogs, motorcycles, and on and on. Any only when you ignore all else do you then notice the simple chorus of crickets, their song drowned into nothing.
Posted by Carlin at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Die Another Day
8/31/08, 12:07 AM
Bond-James Bond. What is there to say. It's an action movie. And those can definitely be fun.
Mostly though I just wanted to note that I think the female villan may have been Kaylee from Firefly.
All in all I wish I could be an awesome kick ass heroine. Or even villan. Cuz even then I could kick-ass. And that would be pretty sweet.
[Edit: Nope, definately not Kaylee]
Posted by Carlin at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movies
Intollerable Cruelty
8/30/08, 11:55 PM
I have now moved onto movies. Why? Because I want to. Now shut up and read on.
Do not watch this movie. Now chances are you will not. It is an old (not really, but not new either) chick flick and normal people have by now moved on. But I remembered seeing the previews on TV and was drawn in by the big name actors.
I can't believe George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones signed on for this movie. Instead watch any of the Danny Ocean movies, good stuff. Or for her see Chicago, or even that more recent one about her being a chef, not at all great, but still better.
Somehow the movie managed to just loop around in these crazy spins and really go absolutely no where. And seriously the acting was bad. I can't figure out if they were for some reason supposed to have these bizzare nonsensical demeanors or if somehow the actors suddenly sucked.
All in all not worth the 2 hours or whatever it took to watch it. I couldn't believe that that was it when it finished. I kept waiting for hte 'surprise' to jump out and lunacy to make sense. But no.
Oh well. It did work as a mild form of distraction while we worked on the mailing at home...
Posted by Carlin at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movies
Peach Jam
I spent my evening making and successively canning Peach Jam.
So pretty much I more or less belong in the last century and totally don't fit in. Seriously it is way too true.
TRM and I are planning to can oodles of applesauce so that we can eat it all year long. An orchard somewhere around here has apples for $10 a bushel. That means it'll even be pretty freaking cheap. All around awesome. Although even TRM is started to make fun of me for my new compulsive canning tenancies.
I see nothing wrong with stockpiling my body weight in apple sauce. The society I am surrounded by disagrees.
I'm slighly concerned that tonights second and third batches of Jam may not set up so well. It would be pretty sad if they didn't, I was planning on giving my co-workers each a jar. But only time will tell....let us hope for non-runny Jam.
Posted by Carlin at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Birth of Venus
8/30/08, 11:48 PM
When I saw this on the shelf I knew I'd read about, or well seen, it on some list. And I know the famous painting and generally like historical fiction so I thought it'd be nice as like my 'fluff' read.
Unfourtionately it was rather disappointing. Like there was passing mention of but really nothignt o do with the painting. I was sad. Instead the titled worked more with themes and all.
Maybe I'm just getting tired of writing out here my book reviews, but all in all not much to say.
A decent read if you're bored. And I think that a few interesting ideas were brought up. But obviously nothing stuck with me that much.
Posted by Carlin at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books
8/30/08 11:33
I actually read this Frank Herbert Masterpiece quite a while ago (and or 2-3 weeks). I loved it! I guess there is a reason stuff becomes 'classic.' And given as I love to read fantasy, and I consider sci-fi to be an extension of Fantasy, and I consider Dune to be a sci-fi/fantasy classic. When I noticed it as I was browsing the shelves of the library some 7 weeks ago in the absence of Atlas Shrugged I figured I ought to read it. How is that for a run-on thought.
At first Dune is fairly difficult. Herbert does not give the reader any nice little easing into the world. No, instead there is a glossary of terms for introduction. I tried to read it first. But with out context it was rather pointless. So I just started reading. And at first I would look up the foreign terms, but after a bit I stopped even that. And really it's all that better this way. You just let the foreign newness wash over you. and you can delight in this amazing new place you are learning about.
The prose is also different. Maybe because it is older literature, which often seems awkward on our toungs. But I like to think of it more as an extension of such lengths to the new universe created.
There are sequels, I love me a good series. I have book 2 up with me this weekend and shall start it tomorrow. Yay.
Posted by Carlin at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books
Love in the Time of Cholera
8/30/08, 11:14 PM
I just finished reading the book Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. And honestly I'm disappointed.
The book came highly recommended. I had seen in on various lists and noted it as worthwhile literature. And Marquez won a Nobel Prize for lit in 1982. He must know what he's doing. And rather coincidentally I heard it recommended by a co-worker. On Sunday I browsed the library's website to decide what books to get given I'd finished what I had on Friday, the books were due on Monday, and I needed to stock up for the weekend. And I put this on the list. So go figure on Monday as we were working on the season ticket mailing the new education director mentioned a book she had unrecommended to her daughter, I don't remember at all how it came up. But I asked her what book and she said 'Love in the Time of Cholera." And said it in such a way that I knew she really had lied it, without her giving a description.
But anyways I was psyched.
So I started it and it seemed quite slow and didn't really get anywhere. I figured it must get better. And admittedly it did start up finally and found a, mostly stuck with, time line and series of actions.
Yet all in all I was not moved by it. It seemed like some of it was trying to be about sex. But t hen it wasn't at all sexy and didn't light upon anything new or different. In fact for all it kept bringing it up it didn't ever feel like much.
and more importantly I'd imagine it was supposed to be about love. (The word being in the title clued me in to that.) Yet I don't think it even made me feel anything at all about love either. There were no new ideas or thoughts at all. More of just relating a take that should have been exciting, but somehow was turned dry.
Plus I really didn't like one of the characters. And could never figure out if he is/was supposed to be a good or bad character. Maybe that indifference is what makes the guy a good author. The necessity of drawing my own conclusions.
I also wonder that the book may have lost some of its potency in the translation from Spanish.
No hablo Espanol.
Posted by Carlin at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books
Old School
8/30/08, 11:06 PM
Back to Blogging...old school style.
So it is a long weekend. Hooray. And I made it even longer by taking Friday off. Seriously I need to use more of my comp time next year. Anyways as with most of these minor holidays my Mothers side of the family is gathering up at my Aunt and Uncle's lake house.
There is barely any cell phone service up here. And don't even thing of the internet.
And so, given the lack of the technology required to actually blog, I am still determined to blog - old school style.
And so I find myself hand writing in a journal.
I've never been a fan of my own handwriting. It definitely leaves something to be desired. But even given that I do enjoy seeing the space fill up with those little meaningful scribbles.
I find that a filled notebook, or even just a page is akin to a work of art.
Posted by Carlin at 10:56 PM 0 comments